Is Scalp Micropigmentation the New Alternate Hair Loss Solution?

If you are confused between Scalp micro-pigmentation and hair tattoo then don’t worry, because I am going to clarify it and suggest you to get Hair tattoo in Dubai from reputed clinic rather than from fake tattoo parlours.

Hair is the most important accessory of everyone and nobody wants to lose his/ her glory by any means like due to pollution, tension/ depression/ stress, excess use of heat like straighter/ curlers, pregnancy, childbirth, illness/ weakness, cosmetics, hair products like hair gel/ spray, unhealthy diet, improper sleep, disease, accident and dandruff . Hair goes through a lot every day which makes it coarse, dry, brittle and in the end hair thinning can happen. The result of which is obvious hair fall.

There are several ways of preventing the hair fall but what about those people who are already suffering? How do they fight with the situation to get hair back? So to solve these issues, Hair tattoo in Dubai is introduced.

Many people rely on ‘tried and true’ methods that they are familiar with. Trusting on the unknown or new is risky and can result in disappointing results than the previous situation. Hair loss is a common problem, both men and women are suffering all over the world regardless of age, race, color and heredity. It not only affects the physical appearance of the person but also emotionally damages the confidence of an individual.

Scalp Micro-Pigmentation Benefits:

1. Cost Effective:

There is no point of wasting your money to get a hair transplant when there are other cheaper ways of treating hair loss problems which are an affordable and safe option. Scalp micro-pigmentation is cheap and convenient for any person with an average earning to get it done.

2. No Side Effects:

Does not have any side effects; you only get a hair tattoo on your head. It is a non-surgical treatment that gives you an appealing look without leaving scars on your skin.

3. Heals Fast:

It will take you only 2 to 4 days to heal. After 4 days you are ready to participate in the heavy duty activities that may trigger sweating on your scalp.

4. It Gives you a Natural Look:

The color of each hair follicle is matched to the color of your hair or skin to give it a natural look.

5. Gives Youthful Appearance:

It will help you regain your confidence/ self-esteem, to solve the problem of premature hair loss by concealing the bald areas on your scalp.

6. Easy Maintenance:

It does not need aftercare expenses.

7. Long-term Solution:

This treatment will offer you a long-term solution to your hair loss problem. The duration that your scalp will last without the need of a touch-up, depends on an individual’s metabolism, age and immunity and other body factors.

8. Suits Everyone:

It works for every gender and ethnic group.

9. Perfect for Covering Scars:

Several people have undergone hair implantation that left them with large scars on their scalps. It helps to conceal such scars, patches, birthmarks and burns on the scalp.

Hair Tattoo

The phrase ‘hair tattoo’ cause confusion from time to time, so I thought to clarify it.
Many people think that hair tattoo is a new concept but actually, it’s just a terminology used for Scalp micro-pigmentation.
I suggest people, to be careful who wants to get a treatment for hair loss as a hair tattoo. Many of these companies are regular tattoo parlors and do not have any of the specialist skills or experience necessary to offer an effective treatment but Hair tattoo in Dubai is authentic and have talented/ professional surgeons.

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