Do You Know that Lack of Iron can Create Baldness?

Stem cell hair transplant in Dubai is the best treatment to cure your hair loss which is caused by the iron deficiency.

Hair loss can be caused by many reasons and everybody is suffering from it. Like due to cancer, thyroid disorder, dandruff, unhealthy diet, improper sleeping timings, permanent dye colors, tight hairstyles, genetic and iron deficiency etc. it’s the major cause of the hair loss.
The relationship between iron and hair loss is described in this article that how an iron deficiency can cause hair loss. Low iron level causes hair thinning and then hair loss problem starts.
If you are suffering from the iron deficiency then you may have to experience baldness in the future. Many people have to face hair loss due to very low level of iron in their body. Don’t worry if you are suffering from hair loss due to iron deficiency, because you can cure it by getting stem cell hair transplant in Dubai.
When our body has a deficiency of iron, then your body can’t produce the hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is responsible for the growth and repairment of cells in your body, and also helps with the hair growth.


Symptoms of Iron Deficiency:

• Hair loss
• Exhaustion
• Pale skin
• Cognitive-related tasks like decision-making, problem-solving, memory, attention, and judgment, concentration, thinking, reasoning etc.
• Unable to tolerate coldness
• Increased risk of infections
• Bad temper
• Stiff nails

Treatments for the Iron Deficiency and Hair Loss:

Hair loss due to iron deficiency is not permanent. It can be cured by getting the right treatment instead of using temporary treatments like homeopathic medications, allopathic medications, and advertised products. The best and permanent treatment to cure your hair loss due to the low level of an iron in your body is stem cell hair transplant in Dubai.
The best way to treat hair loss is to stop and control the original cause of the problem. If you think that your hair loss is due to an iron deficiency, then don’t waste your time by using temporary treatments instead consult a doctor to measure your iron levels. He will most likely ask for a blood test and perform a ferritin level blood test, to measure the levels of a protein, known as ferritin that helps to store iron.
If your test results show the low level of iron, then you can cure it by using iron supplements. These are the treatment options to cure hair loss due to iron deficiency:


• Minoxidil (Rogaine)
• Finasteride (Propecia)

Hair transplant:

Stem cell hair transplant in Dubai

Tips to Prevent Iron Deficiency and Hair Loss:

• Increase the intake of healthy and balanced diet, iron-rich foods like spinach, peas, lean. Protein foods like pork and salmon and dried fruits.
• Increase the intake of vitamin C, it allows your body to absorb iron in a more effective manner. Try to eat oranges, strawberries, melons, broccoli, and tomatoes.
• Avoid tight hairstyles like tight ponytails, tight braid etc.
• Avoid direct exposure to the sun, wear a hat while going out.
• Don’t be harsh with your hair while brushing and washing.
• Avoid sleeping in wet hair and brushing wet hair.
• Avoid using chemicals and permanent hair dyes.
• Don’t try to use heating tools like blow dryers and curling irons.

If you are suffering from the medical disorder i.e. iron deficiency then don’t worry, get a permanent and effective treatment i.e. stem cell hair transplant in Dubai.

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