5 common causes for hair loss in teenage girls

Read this blog if you are a teenage girl and struggling from the hair loss problem, because I am going to tell you about the 5 common causes for hair loss in teenage girls. But there’s no need to worry in this modern world of technology because you can easily cure it by getting a permanent treatment from the hair transplant center which offers PRP therapy Dubai.


Nowadays hair loss among teenagers is spreading at a disturbing rate. Young ladies in their teens are getting confused and afraid as they find more than 100 hair strands in their brush, on their pillow, and in the shower. Excessive shedding with a prominent decrease in hair volume is really a devastating and horrible experience. If you don’t want to undergo from this scary experience then read this blog because I am going to tell you about the best treatment and some home remedies to treat hair loss in teenage girls.

05 Common Causes for Hair Loss in Teenage Girls:

There could be many factors which contribute to causing hair loss but I am going to tell you the common 05 causes for hair loss in teenage girls.

1. Insufficient intake of nutrients which contain the essential nutrients like vitamin B1, B2, C, and iron. And a habit of eating junk food can also cause hair loss in teenage girls.

2. Teenage girls experience a lot of hormonal imbalances during the puberty stage and it’s also a common cause of hair loss in teenage girls.

3. Weakness or extended illness, skin disorders, infections and dry scalp are also the causes of hair loss.

4. Any medical disorders like diabetes, anemia, thyroid disorder etc. and due to the use of prescribed medications to overcome other problems like acne, pimples etc. are the common causes of hair loss in teenage girls.

5. The habit of making tight hairstyles like the tight bun, braid or ponytail and the excessive use of heating tools on hair is the main and common reasons for hair loss in teenage girls.

05 Tips To Prevent And Treat Hair Loss In Teenage Girls:

1. Make a habit to massage your hair with oil using coconut or almond oil.

2. Increase the intake of healthy diet like eggs, lentils, green vegetables and yogurt and milk or the foods which contain iron, vitamins, minerals etc. good eating habits can reverse the damage rate of hair loss.

3. Try not to use heating tools for styling hair like a straightener, blow dryer or curlers. Because of the excessive styling of hair with heating tools and harsh products like gels, heating tongs is really harmful to your hair and can easily cause hair loss.

4. Avoid brushing and sleeping with wet hair because wet hair is at its most fragile stage.

5. Make a habit to increase the intake of liquids like shakes, juices etc. and try to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day. It will help to keep your hair hydrated and will fight against hair loss.

It is really important that you should follow these tips very carefully. But if you are still suffering from the hair loss problem then don’t worry, just consult a professional trichologist(hair doctors) in Dubai so that he will examine your scalp very carefully and then will recommend you to get a suitable treatment from the hair transplant clinic which offers PRP therapy Dubai to treat your hair loss.

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